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MicroSystems Integration, Inc.
181 South Broad Street, Suite 103
Pawcatuck, CT 06379
Voice (860) 599-1727 - Fax (860) 294-0230


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Career Opportunities
Available Positions Click to see immediate openings on MSI's staff.

MicroSystems Integration, Inc. (MSI) is looking for interested individuals who are able to combine a comprehensive set of skills to provide high quality technical service to its customers.  MSI employs individuals having experience in analysis, design development, and integration. Typical backgrounds include Engineering, Operations Research, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Business and Finance.  All of our associates possess and continually develop the following qualities:

Professionalism: This is the basis for all of our efforts including personal and corporate growth.   MSI’s customers expect us to be a proficient, experienced and skilled organization and our people must exude these characteristics.
Technical & Analytical Skills: Strong technical and analytical skills are a necessity for all applicants.  Applicants are expected to be knowledgeable in their specific professional disciplines and are expected to be capable of working in interdisciplinary teams.
Customer Relation Skills: Our people work directly with our customers to understand their business needs, develop solutions and support life cycle changes.  It is important for everyone to be able to sustain and develop strong customer relations.
Business Knowledge: In order to provide high quality services to our customers that supports their business needs, our people must understand and apply sound business practices in our day-to-day operations.  This capability, combined with our technical & analytical skills, professionalism, and customer relations skills provide a solid basis for effective process improvement and customer focused technology-based solutions.

If you think you would fit into a dynamic environment with multiple customers, projects and technologies, look at our Available Positions page for our "Immediate Openings" and forward


Updated - January 2016                        Home